Thursday, December 19, 2013

Today your student should be bringing home a white 9" x 12" envelope which contains all of the signed & returned papers that were turned in so far this year.  If you and your child were very faithful with this, your child probably has two envelopes.  I don't usually save them up like this; in previous years they would get stamped with a "thank you" stamper and returned.  It is my hope to return to that process after Christmas break.  FYI:  "G4U!" stands for "Good for you!"

TOMORROW AFTERNOON IS OUR CHRISTMAS PARTY.  We will begin about 1:30.  If your child has not yet brought their "secret angel" gift, they should do so tomorrow.  If there is a problem with getting the gift, PLEASE let me know.  Thank you to Lydia, who has already brought in two jugs of juice and cups!

TOMORROW AT 2:00 IS OUR CHRISTMAS CHAPEL.  Please consider joining us if you are able.

The Prayer worksheet for Religion was due today.  Since this assignment had been on the board for a week, I was not too sympathetic with the ones who forgot.  They have been told that if it's not finished, they will need to bring a note from a parent (or an email) explaining why it's not finished.


SPELLING:  Test tomorrow.  Lesson 16.  (See list below.)

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event, yellow, due Thursday, 1/2/14.  There will NOT be a County Quiz that day.

RELIGION:  page 74 & top section of 75

MATH:  273 - 275

ENGLISH:  "Different Stories" worksheet

SCIENCE:  Booklet, due 1/3/14

Lesson 16
1.  risky
2.  track
3.  topic
4.  blank
5.  question
6.  pocket
7.  monkey
8.  junk
9.  equal
10.  ache
11.  public
12.  attack
13.  struck
14.  earthquake
15.  picnic
16.  banker
17.  electric
18.  blanket
19.  mistake
20.  stomach
R1.  quick
R2.  squeeze
R3.  shark
R4.  second
R5.  circus
C1.  request
C2.  skeleton
C3.  peculiar
C4.  attic
C5.  reckless


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

SPELLING:  4 pictures and sentences; Test Friday.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (green) due tomorrow; County Quiz tomorrow (#31 Sawyer/Hayward and #32 Rusk/Ladysmith).  Interesting!  Both of our county seats this week are compound words.

RELIGION:  Prayer worksheet due tomorrow.  This was handed out last Thursday.

MATH:  266 - 268

READING:  "Grandma Moses" crossword puzzle worksheet

SCIENCE:  Skeleton quiz tomorrow; Health booklet due Friday, January 3.

Students have already started bringing in their gifts for their "Secret Angel."  Our Christmas party will be Friday afternoon.  Our Christmas Chapel will begin at 2:00 in the church.

Your child will be bringing home a note today or tomorrow about the St. John Auction.  Please take a few minutes to look at it.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

SPELLING:  4 pictures and sentences.  Test Friday.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (blue) tomorrow!  County Quiz (#29 Racine/Racine and 
#30 Kenosha/Kenosha) tomorrow!

MEMORY:  Christmas parts quiz tomorrow.

READING:  Worksheet "The ABC's of First Aid"  and AR.

SCIENCE:  Skeleton quiz next week.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

SPELLING:  Test tomorrow.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (blue) in mailboxes today; due next Thursday.

RELIGION:  Worksheet "Jesus is Baptized"

MEMORY:  3rd Christmas part

MATH:  246 - 248


Midterm is next Tuesday.  Midterms and AR reports will be sent home with students next Friday, the 13th.  

The 4th Grade visited the Holiday Mall this morning.  However, if they forgot their money or have one more thing to get, they will be allowed to go down for a short shopping trip tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thank you to Molly and Lydia who each brought in a new container of disinfecting wipes today!

SPELLING:  4 pictures and sentences.  Remember, the sentences need to have at least 6 words in them!

SOCIAL STUDIES:  County Quiz tomorrow--#27 & #28.  Current Event (gold) due tomorrow.

RELIGION:  Worksheet "John 3:16"

MEMORY:  2nd Christmas part.  We will do both the 1st and 2nd parts tomorrow.

MATH:  239 - 242

The Unit 3 Memory quiz was handed back today.  Your child has been told they may retake the quiz.  They need to bring back the signed quiz before they will be allowed to retake it.  The deadline for retakes is next Tuesday, December 10.  

Midterm is next Tuesday, December 10.  A midterm report and AR report will sent home Friday, December 13, with your child.

Reminder:  The 4th Grade visits the Holiday Mall tomorrow from 8:10 - 9:00!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

This morning we opened our last container of disinfecting wipes from the beginning of the school year.  If you are willing and able, please consider sending in another one!  

Holiday Mall--Thursday, 8:10 - 9:00.

SCIENCE:  Color Quiz tomorrow!!!

SPELLING:  Make sure workbook pages & paragraph from yesterday are done!

SOCIAL STUDIES:  County Quiz & Current Event Thursday.  (#27 Florence/Florence & #28 Marinette/Marinette) 

MEMORY:  1st Christmas part.  (See list below.)

MATH:  235-237

HANDWRITING:  10 three-letter words in both manuscript and cursive.


1.  3-5:  And everyone went to his own town to register.

2.  3-5: While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born.

3.  3-5:  An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.

4.  3-5:  “This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."

5.  3-5: So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.

Monday, December 2, 2013

4th Grade will be visiting the Mother's Club Holiday Mall on Thursday, December 5, beginning at 8:10.  A reminder note will be in student mailboxes tomorrow.

Book orders are due December 10.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  County Quiz (#27 Florence/Florence & #28 Marinette/Marinette) Thursday.  Current Event (gold) Thursday.  If you google Wisconsin county map, you get a selection of maps that will help your child with the map part of the quiz.

RELIGION:  Page 67 & Worksheet 30.  

MEMORY:  Unit 3 Quiz tomorrow.

MATH:  Pages 230-232.


SCIENCE:  Color Quiz Wednesday!

HANDWRITING:  On the piece of handwriting paper, write your name one time each in manuscript (printing) and cursive.  Then write the following sentence in both manuscript and cursive:  The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.

SPELLING:  Workbook 160 & 162 & paragraph.  The paragraph needs to be at least a half page long.  This also means that it needs to go from left hand pink line to the right hand pink line.  
Lesson 14
1.  turkey
2.  lonely
3.  colony
4.  steady
5.  hungry
6.  valley
7.  hockey
8.  starry
9.  melody
10.  movie
11.  duty
12.  drowsy
13.  chimney
14.  plenty
15.  daily
16.  alley
17.  fifty
18.  empty
19.  injury
20.  prairie
R1.  cherry
R2.  jelly
R3.  sticky
R4.  worry
R5.  curly
C1.  envy
C2.  fiery
C3.  mercy
C4.  discovery
C5  mystery

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

We picked names today for "Secret Angels."  Your child should have an index card with the  wish list of the person whose name they picked.  The price guideline is $10.00.  If that is a hardship for your family, especially at this time of year, please let me know.  Girls picked girl names and boys picked boy names.  The gifts should be wrapped with a tag that says who the present is for, but with the name of the giver left blank.  They may be brought to school beginning Monday, December 16.  Our classroom party will be Friday, December 20.  It may begin at 1:30, but that might change.

4th Grade will be visiting the Mother's Club Holiday Mall on Thursday, December 5, beginning at 8:10.  A note about that should have come home already.

Book orders were in mailboxes today.  They are due December 10.

SPELLING:  4 pictures (colored) and sentences (at least 6 words long) due Monday.  TEST MONDAY!!!!

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (goldenrod) Thursday.  County Quiz (#27 Florence/Florence & #28 Marinette/Marinette) Thursday.  

RELIGION:  Page 65

MEMORY:  Unit 3 Quiz Tuesday--but don't wait until Monday night to start reviewing!


MATH:  None!  

May God bless you with a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!  

Monday, November 25, 2013

SPELLING:  148 & 150 & paragraph (half page).  Test next Monday.  For Lesson 13 words, see last Friday's blog.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  TOMORROW!!!  Current Event (pink) and County Quiz (#25 Oconto/Oconto and #26 Door/Sturgeon Bay).  Many students are doing very well with the counties.  The map seems to be the trouble area for some.

RELIGION:  Worksheet 29.

MEMORY:  Psalm 70:1.  Unit 3 Memory Quiz next week Tuesday, December 3.  For Unit 3 Memory verses, see the November 6 blog.


MATH:  Worksheet 3.

******The 4th Grade class will be visiting the Mother's Club 
Holiday Mall Thursday, December 5, from 8:10 - 9:00.**************************

Friday, November 22, 2013

RELIGION:  Worksheet 28
MEMORY:  Some students have make-up verses to do Monday.
READING:  Worksheet "Insectivorous Plants"
SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (pink) and County Quiz (#25 Oconto/Oconto & #26 Door/Sturgeon Bay) TUESDAY!!!

1.  wiped         2.  covered        3.  mapped         4.  pleasing
5.  slipped       6.  putting          7.  traveled          8.  seeking
9.  visiting      10.  mixed         11.  shipped       12.  phoning
13.  offered    14.  smelling     15.  hiking           16.  checking
17.  fainted     18.  landed      19.  becoming     20.  wandering
R1.  fixing       R2.  saving       R3.  stared     
R4.  dropped     R5.  grinning
C1.  amusing     C2. entertained     C3.  admitted     
C4.  stunning     C5.  starving

******The 4th Grade class will be visiting the Mother's Club Holiday Mall Thursday, December 5, from 8:10 - 9:00.**************************

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Spelling:  Test tomorrow
Lesson 12
1.  rising           2.  traced        3.  stripped      4.  slammed    
5.  dancing       6.  striped       7.  winning       8.  snapping    
9.  bragging   10.  handled    11.  dripped     12.  begged    
13.  dared      14.  skipped    15.  hitting        16.  spotted    
17.  raced      18.  dimmed    19.  spinning    20.  escaped
R1.  changing       R2.  joking       R3.  swimming
R4.  wrapped        R5.  tapping
C1.  urged             C2.  striving     C3.  whipped
C4.  breathing       C5.  quizzed

Religion:  Pages 62 & 63

Memory:  Psalm 118:14  (Several students have some 
make-up work from today.)

Math:  Worksheet "A-Maze-ing!, and pages 215-217

A word about snow pants:  While 4th grade students are not required to wear snow pants, they are strongly encouraged to do so to keep from sitting in wet clothes all afternoon.  This is the time of year when it's also a good idea to keep an extra pair of dry socks in the backpack.

FOOD SALE PIZZA PARTY:  Students whose families sold 30 items or more during the Fall Frozen Food Sale are being rewarded with a pizza party tomorrow afternoon at 2:07.  4th graders who will be attending are Brindelyn, Molly, Emma, Amelia,  and Brenna.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Spelling:  4 pictures & sentences.  Students were reminded today that points are taken off if they forget to color their pictures.  Test Friday.

Social Studies:  Current Event (purple) due tomorrow, and County Quiz (#23 Forest/Crandon & #24 Menominee/Keshena) tomorrow.

Memory:  1 John 1:8-9

Math:  Pages  209-211, and Worksheet “Riddle Time.”

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Religion:  Page 61 & Worksheet 27

Memory:  Phil. 4:6

Spelling:  Workbook 136 & 138, and paragraph.  (This was assigned yesterday, but a few students have trouble remembering to do it each week.)  

Math:  Pages 202-204

Reading:  Worksheet "Jane Goodall" (the chimpanzee worksheet)

Social Studies:  Worksheet "Looking for a Home."  We worked on this during computer time to give the students more practice with searching for information.  A few students completed it during that time.  Also, Current Event (purple) and County Quiz (#23 Forest/Crandon & #24 Menominee/Keshena) -- Thursday.

CHRISTMAS SERVICE SIGN-UPS--Thank you to those of you who got them back promptly!
8:00--Molly, Adam, Isaiah, Brenna, Ally
10:30--Sam, Andrew, Annie, Lydia, Maya, Olivia, Emma
Either--Amelia (We'll let you know!)

--to Isaiah Scott, for donating to our classroom a book from the Book Fair that he already finished:  Diary of a Wimpy Kid:  Hard Luck.
--to Mother's Club, for donating to our classroom from the Book Fair:  Wayside School is Falling Down, Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger, Sideways Stories from Wayside School, Room One, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck
The Pet War, and 8 different Magic Treehouse Fact Tracker nonfiction books.