Tuesday, November 26, 2013

We picked names today for "Secret Angels."  Your child should have an index card with the  wish list of the person whose name they picked.  The price guideline is $10.00.  If that is a hardship for your family, especially at this time of year, please let me know.  Girls picked girl names and boys picked boy names.  The gifts should be wrapped with a tag that says who the present is for, but with the name of the giver left blank.  They may be brought to school beginning Monday, December 16.  Our classroom party will be Friday, December 20.  It may begin at 1:30, but that might change.

4th Grade will be visiting the Mother's Club Holiday Mall on Thursday, December 5, beginning at 8:10.  A note about that should have come home already.

Book orders were in mailboxes today.  They are due December 10.

SPELLING:  4 pictures (colored) and sentences (at least 6 words long) due Monday.  TEST MONDAY!!!!

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (goldenrod) Thursday.  County Quiz (#27 Florence/Florence & #28 Marinette/Marinette) Thursday.  

RELIGION:  Page 65

MEMORY:  Unit 3 Quiz Tuesday--but don't wait until Monday night to start reviewing!


MATH:  None!  

May God bless you with a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!  

Monday, November 25, 2013

SPELLING:  148 & 150 & paragraph (half page).  Test next Monday.  For Lesson 13 words, see last Friday's blog.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  TOMORROW!!!  Current Event (pink) and County Quiz (#25 Oconto/Oconto and #26 Door/Sturgeon Bay).  Many students are doing very well with the counties.  The map seems to be the trouble area for some.

RELIGION:  Worksheet 29.

MEMORY:  Psalm 70:1.  Unit 3 Memory Quiz next week Tuesday, December 3.  For Unit 3 Memory verses, see the November 6 blog.


MATH:  Worksheet 3.

******The 4th Grade class will be visiting the Mother's Club 
Holiday Mall Thursday, December 5, from 8:10 - 9:00.**************************

Friday, November 22, 2013

RELIGION:  Worksheet 28
MEMORY:  Some students have make-up verses to do Monday.
READING:  Worksheet "Insectivorous Plants"
SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (pink) and County Quiz (#25 Oconto/Oconto & #26 Door/Sturgeon Bay) TUESDAY!!!

1.  wiped         2.  covered        3.  mapped         4.  pleasing
5.  slipped       6.  putting          7.  traveled          8.  seeking
9.  visiting      10.  mixed         11.  shipped       12.  phoning
13.  offered    14.  smelling     15.  hiking           16.  checking
17.  fainted     18.  landed      19.  becoming     20.  wandering
R1.  fixing       R2.  saving       R3.  stared     
R4.  dropped     R5.  grinning
C1.  amusing     C2. entertained     C3.  admitted     
C4.  stunning     C5.  starving

******The 4th Grade class will be visiting the Mother's Club Holiday Mall Thursday, December 5, from 8:10 - 9:00.**************************

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Spelling:  Test tomorrow
Lesson 12
1.  rising           2.  traced        3.  stripped      4.  slammed    
5.  dancing       6.  striped       7.  winning       8.  snapping    
9.  bragging   10.  handled    11.  dripped     12.  begged    
13.  dared      14.  skipped    15.  hitting        16.  spotted    
17.  raced      18.  dimmed    19.  spinning    20.  escaped
R1.  changing       R2.  joking       R3.  swimming
R4.  wrapped        R5.  tapping
C1.  urged             C2.  striving     C3.  whipped
C4.  breathing       C5.  quizzed

Religion:  Pages 62 & 63

Memory:  Psalm 118:14  (Several students have some 
make-up work from today.)

Math:  Worksheet "A-Maze-ing!, and pages 215-217

A word about snow pants:  While 4th grade students are not required to wear snow pants, they are strongly encouraged to do so to keep from sitting in wet clothes all afternoon.  This is the time of year when it's also a good idea to keep an extra pair of dry socks in the backpack.

FOOD SALE PIZZA PARTY:  Students whose families sold 30 items or more during the Fall Frozen Food Sale are being rewarded with a pizza party tomorrow afternoon at 2:07.  4th graders who will be attending are Brindelyn, Molly, Emma, Amelia,  and Brenna.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Spelling:  4 pictures & sentences.  Students were reminded today that points are taken off if they forget to color their pictures.  Test Friday.

Social Studies:  Current Event (purple) due tomorrow, and County Quiz (#23 Forest/Crandon & #24 Menominee/Keshena) tomorrow.

Memory:  1 John 1:8-9

Math:  Pages  209-211, and Worksheet “Riddle Time.”

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Religion:  Page 61 & Worksheet 27

Memory:  Phil. 4:6

Spelling:  Workbook 136 & 138, and paragraph.  (This was assigned yesterday, but a few students have trouble remembering to do it each week.)  

Math:  Pages 202-204

Reading:  Worksheet "Jane Goodall" (the chimpanzee worksheet)

Social Studies:  Worksheet "Looking for a Home."  We worked on this during computer time to give the students more practice with searching for information.  A few students completed it during that time.  Also, Current Event (purple) and County Quiz (#23 Forest/Crandon & #24 Menominee/Keshena) -- Thursday.

CHRISTMAS SERVICE SIGN-UPS--Thank you to those of you who got them back promptly!
8:00--Molly, Adam, Isaiah, Brenna, Ally
10:30--Sam, Andrew, Annie, Lydia, Maya, Olivia, Emma
Either--Amelia (We'll let you know!)

--to Isaiah Scott, for donating to our classroom a book from the Book Fair that he already finished:  Diary of a Wimpy Kid:  Hard Luck.
--to Mother's Club, for donating to our classroom from the Book Fair:  Wayside School is Falling Down, Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger, Sideways Stories from Wayside School, Room One, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck
The Pet War, and 8 different Magic Treehouse Fact Tracker nonfiction books.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

SPELLING:  Test tomorrow, Lesson 11.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  W.S.W. (Wisconsin Studies Weekly newspaper) Wkst. Week 4.

RELIGION:  Page 58.  We worked on this with partners in class.  Most students got it done right away.

MEMORY:  1 Timothy 2:4

READING:  Pick one of the choices, page 105.

The new Current Event sheet will be coming home tomorrow.  It is purple.

--to Nancy Porath, for making a lovely "Wisconsin Window" wall hanging to cover our map during the quizzes!
--to Brindelyn, for donating to our classroom from the Book Fair National Geographic for Kids: Weird, But True 5!
--to Olivia, for donating the the Kindergarten classroom from the Book Fair Llama, Llama, Home with Mama!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

RELIGION:  Wkst. 25

MEMORY:  Romans 1:6

MATH:  Finish Investigation 3, up through #31.

ENGLISH:  Wkst. "Unique Wisconsin Names"

SOCIAL STUDIES:  W.S.W. page 3.  Current Event (yellow) and County Quiz #21 & 22 Thursday.  #21 is Outagamie/Appleton.  #22 is Kewaunee/Kewaunee.

SPELLING:  Please make sure your workbook pages and paragraph from yesterday are done.  We will be reading the paragraphs aloud in class.


Tomorrow after Chapel, AR awards for 1st Quarter will be handed out.  4th Grade students that will be receiving awards are Sam, Molly, Annie, Lydia, Maya, Emma, Adam, Isaiah, Amelia, Jordan, Brenna, and Ally.

Monday, November 11, 2013

SPELLING:  Wkbk. 124 & 126 & paragraph
SOCIAL STUDIES:  Wisconsin Studies Weekly newspaper, bottom of page 3 & crossword puzzle on page 4;  Current Event (yellow) and County Quiz #21 & 22 (Outagamie/Appleton & Kewaunee/Kewaunee)
READING & ENGLISH:  Wkbk. 33 & 34;  Wkst. "Secrets of Reading a Map"
HEALTH:  CHAPTER 5 QUESTIONS DUE TOMORROW!!!  These were assigned last Tuesday.
MEMORY:  Psalm 103:13
MATH:  Wkst. 3;  We took a test today.

Wear red, white, and blue on Wednesday to honor our veterans! 

There were two notes from the office today that were placed in students' mailboxes while they were at gym.  However, not many emptied their mailboxes when they came back from gym.  Here's a condensed version of both notes:

REMINDER. . . VETERAN'S DAY BAKE SALE--Wednesday, November 13.
Send your baked goods for the Veteran's Day Bake Sale.  Please package items individually and label them for $0.50 each.  Students may bring money to purchase items.  Proceeds go to "Never Forgotten Honor Flight."  Questions?  Contact Mrs. Page, cpage@stjohn.merrill.wi.us

Drop your child off in the IMC to work on homework or read a good book during your conference.  Then visit the Book Fair!
Guidelines for leaving children in the IMC
1.  The IMC will be a quiet activity environment.
2.  Children must be checked in & out by a parent.
3.  While checked in, students will not be allowed to leave the IMC.
4.  Children should bring homework or quiet activity.  A designated section of IMC books will be available for reading.   
5.  No food or drink in the IMC, please.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

HEALTH:  Pages 168-169, questions 1-30, due this Tuesday (11-12-13).  This was assigned this past Tuesday.
SPELLING:  We took the Lesson 10 test.
SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (yellow) due this Thursday (11-14-13).  County Quiz this Thursday.
MATH:  Wkst. "Smallest to Largest"
ENGLISH/COMPUTER:   We reviewed types of sentences--declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory--while at the same time learning/reviewing the skills of bold and underline in Word.

**Students will be allowed to take the make-up quiz for Memory if they have returned the first test signed by a parent.   

Coming home tomorrow will be the Lesson 10 Spelling Test, Math Test 4A, and County Quiz (green--#19 & 20) to be signed.  

Wednesday is the Veterans' Day program at 1:30 in the gym.  WEAR RED, WHITE, AND BLUE!
Report cards & AR reports should have been brought home Friday.  With it was your assigned time for a parent/teacher conference either Tuesday (blue) or Thursday (green).  Included was a letter asking for your preference of time for the Christmas service December 22.  If your 4th grader is the youngest child in your family at St. John, the envelope also included your current PIP hours standing.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A note from Mr. B.
4th Graders:  Please bring in an interesting leaf or two to school tomorrow.  We will be using them for a rubbing activity in Science.

SPELLING:  Test tomorrow
SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (yellow) due next Thursday, 11-14-13.
MEMORY:  Joshua 1:9  (Mrs. Hahn's favorite go-to Bible verse.)
MATH:  182-184 and worksheet "Write a Check"
ENGLISH:  We did some pages today T.I.C. (together in class) on types of sentences--declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory.
HEALTH:  Pages 168-169, questions 1-30, due next Tuesday (11-12-13).  This was assigned this past Tuesday.

Tomorrow is another "Hats for Cancer" day.  It's not too late to sign up & participate!
Tomorrow is also popcorn day.
Next Wednesday is the Veterans' Day program at 1:30 in the gym.
Report cards & AR reports will be coming home tomorrow.  In with it will be your assigned time for a parent/teacher conference either next Tuesday (blue) or next Thursday (green).

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Today's Assignments and Memory Work

The new assignments for today:
SPELLING:  4 Pictures and Sentences; Test 10 Friday
MEMORY:  Psalm 145:15-16
MATH:  176-178

Older assignments that are still on the board:
SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (green) - due tomorrow
                                   County Quiz #19 & 20 (Ashland/Ashland & Iron/Hurley) - tomorrow
                                   Worksheet "Where in the World?"
RELIGION:  Unit 2 Test Worksheet - open book - may use Religion book and Bible
SCIENCE:  Health, Chapter 5, Questions #1-30, pages 168-169 - due next Tuesday

Regarding Memory work:  The Memory Quiz we took yesterday did not go so well for a number of students.  I have given them the option of retaking the quiz.  My only request is that a parent needs to sign the first quiz before I will give them the make-up quiz.  I would especially encourage the students who got a "D" or an "F" to do it over.  The Bible verses will be split in the same spots, but I will mix up the letter choices so that they're not just memorizing the order of the letters.

Several students have asked if I would put the memory verses on the blog.  Since that is a reasonable request, and also very good thinking, here it is!

Lesson 25: For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8–9
Lesson 26: The eyes of all look to You, and You give them their food in due season. You open Your hand; You satisfy the desire of every living thing. Psalm 145:15–16
Lesson 27: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
Lesson 28: As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear Him. Psalm 103:13
Lesson 29: You . . . are called to belong to Jesus Christ. Romans 1:6
Lesson 30: Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 1 Timothy 6:12
Lesson 31: [God our Savior] desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:4
Lesson 32: The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His steadfast love. Psalm 147:11
Lesson 33: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6
Lesson 34: If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:8–9
Lesson 35: The Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation. Psalm 118:14
Lesson 36: Make haste, O God, to deliver me! O Lord, make haste to help me! Psalm 70:1
One in Christ™. Memory Verses © 2011 Concordia Publishing House. Reproduced by permission. Scripture: ESV®.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Things to Look For

Today your student should have brought home some more information about the upcoming Book Fair and connected activities.  We start Book Fair Bingo next Monday.  That's always an exciting time for the class.

Sometime this week a sheet will come home with your assigned time for a parent/teacher conference.  If you find your time won't work, let me know and we'll reschedule.  

On Friday, your child will be bringing home his or her report card, an AR report for 1st Quarter, and a sign-up sheet for this year's Christmas service.  Our Christmas services will be the Sunday before Christmas, December 22, at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  

The 4th Graders got an assignment from Mr. B. in Health class today that will be due next Tuesday.  Many students were working hard to finish much of it today.  A few, however, heard "next Tuesday" and decided that meant they didn't need to worry about it now.  Ask your student how much of it they already have done.

We had our Unit 2 Memory Quiz this morning.  The students also have a Unit 2 Religion Test worksheet that is "open book."  They may use their Religion books and Bibles to complete it.  A new memory sheet (yellow) for Unit 3 was in their mailboxes today.  The verse for Lesson 25 is due tomorrow

We learned some new math concepts today:  factors and products, commutative property, identity property, and zero property.  In case you need a review, factors are the numbers being multiplied.  The product is the answer of a multiplication problem.  For example, in the equation 3 x 4 = 12, 3 and 4 are the factors, and 12 is the product.  The commutative property simply means the equation can be flip-flopped:  3 x 4 is the same as 4 x 3.  The identity property means that whenever you multiply by 1, the product is the other number.  The zero property means that no matter what you multiply by 0, the product is 0.