Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday, February 28

Thank you to those of you who supported the class Car Care bucket for the St. John auction!

Thank you to those of you who have been sending in disinfecting wipes!

Next week is LEW.  The menu that came home today has the schedule of daily events.  Along with that, there were some pages (yellow, I think) that explain the drop-off, pick-up procedures for the musical performances.

Because of extra musical practices, our County Quiz didn't happen today.  We will attempt to take it on Monday.  There will NOT be a County Quiz next Thursday.  We did manage to get the spelling test and memory work done.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

Next week Friday is Valentine's Day!  If your child wishes to participate in the valentine exchange, please have them decorate a box or bag, and sign and address their valentines, and bring them to school.  These may be brought any time next week.  

Next week Wednesday is group picture day.  For our all-school picture, students and staff are being asked to wear RED for our heart-shaped picture.

Thank you to those of you that have sent in car care items and/or money for purchasing car care items for the St. John Auction.  If you haven't yet, there's still time!  OUR BUCKET IS STILL RATHER SPARSE.  Please consider helping out in this way.  Donations should be here by Monday at the very latest.

RELIGION:  Worksheet "Solomon's Temple," (T.I.C.) and worksheet "Jesus Lives!"

MEMORY:  Unit 4 Quiz MONDAY.  Unit 4 memory verses can be found on the Wednesday, January 8 blog post.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event--yellow--Thursday.  County Quiz--#43 Jefferson/Jefferson & #44 Waukesha/Waukesha--Thursday.


COMPUTER:  County Cards for Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Grant, Crawford, Jefferson, and Waukesha (two facts for each county).

1.  dentist
2.  final
3.  finish
4.  narrow
5.  shelter
6.  ahead
7.  corner
8.  hollow
9.  divide
10.  famous
11.  recent
12.  silver
13.  capture
14.  cabin
15.  dinner
16.  minus
17.  minute
18.  value
19.  reward
20.  broken
R1.  again
R2.  enough
R3.  market
R4.  pencil
R5.  powder
C1.  decent
C2.  secure
C3.  standard
C4.  frontier
C5.  stampede

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thank you to those of you that have sent in car care items and/or money for purchasing car care items for the St. John Auction.  If you haven't yet, there's still time!  OUR BUCKET IS STILL RATHER SPARSE.  Please consider helping out in this way.  Donations should be here by TOMORROW (Monday at the very latest).

SPELLING:  Test tomorrow, Lesson 21.

MEMORY:  Unit 4 Quiz MONDAY.  Unit 4 memory is on the blog page dated Wednesday, January 8.

MATH:  Pages 361-363.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (YELLOW) and County Quiz (#43 Jefferson/Jefferson & #44 Waukesha) next Thursday.

ENGLISH:  Worksheet "The Real Story."