Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday's Assignments' Highlights

Since this is a short week of school, some of our "regular" assignments have been moved to different days.

This week's Current Event (goldenrod) is due WEDNESDAY instead of Thursday.  Our County Quiz for this week will be WEDNESDAY instead of Thursday.  This week's counties are #15 & #16.  Both of these counties are what we call "doubles."  That simply means that the name of the county and the county seat are the same.  #15 is Shawano, and #16 is Waupaca.

We have started the Lesson 8 words for Spelling.  The Spelling Test for Lesson 8 won't be until next MONDAY.

Tomorrow is the big electricity test for Science!

The Memory assignment for tomorrow is only the first part of Col. 3:16, up to "all wisdom."  The rest of the verse will be due Wednesday.

The IMC will be open Wednesday morning for students who need AR books for over the extra-long weekend.  Since the end of 1st Quarter is Nov. 1 (next week Friday), this would be a great opportunity to get caught up if needed.  Your student can check with me tomorrow about how many points they've already earned and if they've already hit an "A+" for 1st Quarter.

Even though there were many assignments on the board today, I was very impressed with how many students used their working time successfully today!

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