Thursday, January 30, 2014

SPELLING:  Make sure workbook pages and paragraph are done, pages 232 & 234.  TEST MONDAY!

SOCIAL STUDIES:  County Quiz #39, Crawford/Prairie du Chien & #40, Grant/Lancaster, TOMORROW!  Both of these counties are in the southwest corner of the state.   
Worksheet:  "Wisconsin Venomous Snakes!"

RELIGION:  Page 90 and worksheet 42.

MEMORY:  Jeremiah 23:28

READING:  Students told their stories today.  We will probably do this again sometime in the future.  We did workbook 59 T.I.C. (together in class).

This is a letter that should be coming home today on bright pink paper:

Auction Action                                                      January 24, 2014                                                
Dear Parents,

The Third Annual Auction for St. John Lutheran is fast approaching.  We hope you have marked your calendar for Saturday, February 22th.   Your help is needed to make this event a success. 

Each of the classrooms is creating a basket to be sold at the auction.  The baskets will each have a different theme.  The auction committee is asking each of the school children to donate an item to be included in their class basket.  Please bring the item by Friday, February 7.  Thank you for your cooperation and help. 

The Auction Committee

The 4th Grade class theme is:   Car Care

A suggested item to bring is:  Anything having to do with taking care of a car!  Items need to be new. 

Some suggestions:  dash duster, fuzzy dice, car deodorizers (like the kind that hang from the rearview mirror or clip to the air conditioning vent), sponges, Armor All (or similar) products for cleaning, polishing, and/or waxing, glass wipes, car wash coupons or tokens. 

Another suggestion:  If you don’t care to shop for these types of items, feel free to send in a cash donation.  Any cash donated will go towards purchasing a bucket in which to put all the items, and additional car care items!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Thank you to Molly, Olivia, and Jordan for bringing in containers of disinfecting wipes!

SPELLING:  232 - 234 & paragraph

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (blue) TOMORROW!  County Quiz #39, Crawford/Prairie du Chien & #40, Grant/Lancaster, FRIDAY.  Both of these counties are in the southwest corner of the state.

MEMORY:  2 Chronicles 7:3b

MATH:  328 - 330

ENGLISH:  Worksheet "Sit Down"

READING:  Prepare to tell a story to the class tomorrow.  Worksheet "Photography" from last week.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

SPELLING:  4 pix & sent.   Test TOMORROW!

MEMORY:  Psalm 95:6

MATH:  322-324; Worksheet "Digit Search"

SCIENCE:  5 students did not have their "Human Body Book" done for Mr. B. today.  : (

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event - goldenrod - Thursday.
County Quiz - #37 Waushara/Wautoma & #38 Winnebago/Oshkosh.
PLEASE NOTE:  Since we have passed the halfway point, #1 Lincoln/Merrill & #2 Marathon/Wausau, will no longer be on the quiz.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Because I did not get the blog updated yesterday, the assignments from yesterday are in blue.

SPELLING:  220 & 222 & paragraph.  Test THURSDAY!

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event - goldenrod - Thursday.  County Quiz - #37 Waushara/Wautoma & #38 Winnebago/Oshkosh.  PLEASE NOTE:  Since we have passed the halfway point, #1 Lincoln/Merrill & #2 Marathon/Wausau, will no longer be on the quiz.

RELIGION:  Group Posters from Friday were shared.  Page 88 & Worksheet 41 (David and Bathsheba crossword puzzle)

MEMORY:  Matthew 15:19.  Psalm 51:10

MATH:  Worksheet "Around Town " and pages 319-321.  Worksheet 5 (about allowances).

ENGLISH:  "Watch It!" worksheet.  It's about designing and advertising a new watch.

READING:  AR.  Workbook 57-58.  

SCIENCE:  Human Body Book - due TOMORROW!!  More specific directions are on the January 16 post.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

SCIENCE:  Human Body Book - due next Wednesday, January 22!  This project needs a title page plus 6 pages of information.  Each page should have a picture and text.  They should choose one of these topics:  Bones, Joints, Heart, Lungs, Brain, Nerves, Liver, or Kidneys.  Mr. B. said they might combine two--for example, bones and joints.  (We have a stapler in the classroom that can staple in the middle of pages to make booklets.)

SPELLING:  Test, Lesson 18.

MATH:  315 - 316.

ENGLISH:  Workbook pages 55 & 56, plus one sentence on each side.  Page 55 needs a sentence with both a common and proper noun.  Page 56 needs a sentence with a plural word in it.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Word search worksheet "Higher Education."  Current Event (goldenrod) due next Thursday, January 23.

MEMORY:  The next verse is Revelation 1:5b-6.  Several assignment books were signed before I realized the new memory assignment wasn't on the board.  I told the students they wouldn't have to do the next verse tomorrow, but that they could go ahead and do it, if they wanted.  (The "b" in "5b" just means it's the second half of the verse from the Bible.)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Thank you to Lydia for bringing in a container of disinfecting wipes!!!

SPELLING:  4 pictures and sentences.  Test Friday.

MATH:  310 & 311

ENGLISH:  Workbook 51

READING:  Make sure your Pick One, page 137, is done from yesterday.

MEMORY:  1 Peter 4:8

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Worksheet "Something Fishy."  Pink Current Event is due tomorrow.  Tomorrow's County Quiz will add #35 & #36.   (#35 Douglas/Superior & #36 Bayfield/Washburn)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

SPELLING:  Make sure workbook pages 208 & 210, plus the paragraph, are done from yesterday.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (pink) & County Quiz Thursday.

RELIGION:  Pages 82 & 83, and worksheet 38.

MEMORY:  Finish Matt. 28:19-20.

MATH:  304-306, and worksheet "What's the Order?"

READING:  Pick one, page 137.  
1.  Write about an activity you enjoy.
2.  Compare and contrast "Stormalong" and "Hoderi, the Fisherman."
3.  Research steamships.  Create a list of facts.

We are still in need of some disinfectant wipes for the classroom.

Friday, January 10, 2014

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Worksheet "Wisconsin Word Wheel" - due Monday.  Current Event (pink) and County Quiz (#35 Douglas/Superior & #36 Bayfield/Washburn) Thursday.

RELIGION:  Page 81 and worksheet "Jesus' Death"

READING:  AR - The end of the quarter is fast approaching!

     We've had another outbreak of "I left it at home…" this week.  PLEASE make sure your child brings their work to school, even if it's not done.  When it's left at home, it just delays it another day.  It also wastes class time when things are missing, which is not fair to the rest of the class.

     We have again exhausted our supply of Clorox wipes.  If you are willing, please consider sending in a container or two to replenish our shelf.  They do not need to be the Clorox brand.  The other brands and the generics work just as well.  

Thursday, January 9, 2014

SPELLING:  Test, Lesson 17

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Worksheet "Reservations for Ten"; Current Event (pink) due 1-16-14

RELIGION:  Unit 3 Worksheet Test -- Books and Bible may be used.

MEMORY:  1 John 4:8 (The rest of the 1st passage.)

MATH:  Worksheet 4.  

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Students will have notes in their mailboxes tomorrow about Merrill's Winterfest and some of the fun activities associated with it.

MATH:  291 - 293 
SPELLING:  Pages 196 & 198 & paragraph (at least half page); 4 pictures & sentences; Test Friday
SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (purple) due tomorrow; County Quiz tomorrow (#33 Juneau/Mauston & #34 Adams/Friendship)
RELIGION:  Worksheet "Jesus' Suffering"
MEMORY:  **1 John 4:7, up to "knows God."

20 pts. = A+ 
15 pts. = A
10 pts. = B
 7 pts. = C
 4 pts. = D  

**Students received new orange Memory sheets in their mailboxes today.  I've also pasted the list here for your convenience. 
Grade 4, Unit 4
God’s Faithfulness to His People
Lesson 37: Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:7–8
Lesson 38: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:19–20
Lesson 39: Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8
Lesson 40: To Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood and made us a kingdom . . . to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Revelation 1:5b–6
Lesson 41: Out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. Matthew 15:19
Lesson 42: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10
Lesson 43: Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! Psalm 95:6
Lesson 44: [God] is good; His love endures forever. 2 Chronicles 7:3b
Lesson 45: Let him who has My word speak My word faithfully. Jeremiah 23:28
Lesson 46: You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve. Matthew 4:10
Lesson 47: Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die.” John 11:25–26
Lesson 48: And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

One in Christ™. Memory Verses © 2011 Concordia Publishing House. Reproduced by permission. Scripture: ESV® and NIV®.

Monday, January 6, 2014

I hope you're all warm and well!  

Lesson 17 Spelling Words
1.  glance
2.  judge
3.  damage
4.  package
5.  twice
6.  stage
7.  carriage
8.  since
9.  practice
10.  marriage
11.  baggage
12.  office
13.  message
14.  bridge
15.  chance
16.  notice
17.  ridge
18.  manage
19.  palace
20.  bandage
R1.  once
R2.  dance
R3.  change
R4.  age
R5.  bounce
C1.  fringe
C2.  average
C3.  fleece
C4.  fragrance
C5.  excellence

Sunday, January 5, 2014

I received a text alert just a little bit ago that Merrill schools will be closed tomorrow because of the extreme cold.  

Be safe and stay warm!

Friday, January 3, 2014

SPELLING:  Wordle, Lesson 17.
MATH:  284 - 286.
SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (purple), due next Thursday.  County Quiz, #33 Juneau/Mauston and #34 Adams/Friendship, next Thursday.
RELIGION:  Worksheet 36 & Worksheet "Jesus' Trial"
SCIENCE:  Bone re-test Monday.  The Booklets were due today.  3 are missing.  Hmmm….


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!  I'm praying that your Christmas holidays were as awesome as mine were.

A big THANK YOU to all of you for the wonderful Christmas gift from the class.  In case you didn't hear, or your child couldn't remember, the class gift was Christmas earrings (angels, trees, and snowflakes), a box of Starbuck's carmel K-cups, two very lovely pot holders, and a bag of Dark Chocolate Peanut M&M's.  The M&M's didn't last long at my house.  The pot holders were put to use right away.  The angel earrings were worn for the school Christmas service and also Christmas eve.  The Christmas tree earrings were worn Christmas Day.  I figure I have some extra time for wearing the snowflake earrings!  The Starbuck's coffee is quite yummy.  It was a very nice gift!

Back to work….
RELIGION:  Finish page 77.  Also, worksheet "Jesus' Burial."
SCIENCE:  Booklet is due TOMORROW.  This assignment first appeared on the blog Dec. 18.
MATH:  279 - 281.  A few students still need to finish their Power Up E and Lesson Practice from today.  
SOCIAL STUDIES:  Thank you to those of you who remembered to send along a clipping or print out with the yellow Current Event that was due today.  HOWEVER, there were only 10 Current Events handed in today.  (That means 7 are missing!)