Thursday, January 16, 2014

SCIENCE:  Human Body Book - due next Wednesday, January 22!  This project needs a title page plus 6 pages of information.  Each page should have a picture and text.  They should choose one of these topics:  Bones, Joints, Heart, Lungs, Brain, Nerves, Liver, or Kidneys.  Mr. B. said they might combine two--for example, bones and joints.  (We have a stapler in the classroom that can staple in the middle of pages to make booklets.)

SPELLING:  Test, Lesson 18.

MATH:  315 - 316.

ENGLISH:  Workbook pages 55 & 56, plus one sentence on each side.  Page 55 needs a sentence with both a common and proper noun.  Page 56 needs a sentence with a plural word in it.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Word search worksheet "Higher Education."  Current Event (goldenrod) due next Thursday, January 23.

MEMORY:  The next verse is Revelation 1:5b-6.  Several assignment books were signed before I realized the new memory assignment wasn't on the board.  I told the students they wouldn't have to do the next verse tomorrow, but that they could go ahead and do it, if they wanted.  (The "b" in "5b" just means it's the second half of the verse from the Bible.)

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