Friday, January 10, 2014

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Worksheet "Wisconsin Word Wheel" - due Monday.  Current Event (pink) and County Quiz (#35 Douglas/Superior & #36 Bayfield/Washburn) Thursday.

RELIGION:  Page 81 and worksheet "Jesus' Death"

READING:  AR - The end of the quarter is fast approaching!

     We've had another outbreak of "I left it at home…" this week.  PLEASE make sure your child brings their work to school, even if it's not done.  When it's left at home, it just delays it another day.  It also wastes class time when things are missing, which is not fair to the rest of the class.

     We have again exhausted our supply of Clorox wipes.  If you are willing, please consider sending in a container or two to replenish our shelf.  They do not need to be the Clorox brand.  The other brands and the generics work just as well.  

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