Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, March 31

Reminder:  The Madison slip and money is due this Thursday, April 3!  Please remember to return the two yellow Carnival notes.

SCIENCE:  If you haven't already started talking about ideas for the Egg Drop project at home, now is the time to start.

MATH:  Pages 448-450.  Show work for #22 - 26.  TEST TOMORROW!

RELIGION:  Pages 112 & 113, Worksheet 53.

MEMORY:  Luke 2:30-32, the first part, up to "all peoples." WE WILL BE HAVING A UNIT 5 MEMORY QUIZ ON THURSDAY! 

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (yellow) due WEDNESDAY.  For the rest of the year, Current Events will be due on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays.   County Quiz (#53 Dunn - Menomonie & #54 St. Croix - Hudson) THURSDAY.  


SPELLING:  Workbook 310 & 312, and paragraph.
These are the words for this week:
Lesson 27
1.  title
2.  towel
3.  battle
4.  pedal
5.  metal
6.  simple
7.  eagle
8.  special
9.  total
10.  trouble
11.  nickel
12.  gentle
13.  barrel
14.  model
15.  tangle
16.  ankle
17.  marvel
18.  juggle
19.  squirrel
20.  riddle
R1.  circle
R2.  travel
R3.  apple
R4.  little
R5.  purple
C1.  cancel
C2.  decimal
C3.  material
C4.  pretzel
C5.  triangle

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday, March 27

Tuesday, two notes about the Carnival and a stapled note about our Madison trip should have come home!  Thank you to those of you that have already returned some or all of them!

SCIENCE:  Mr. B. said that if you've seen the Egg Drop note on the blog, but are unable to print it out, just write and sign a note saying you've seen it.

MATH:  Pages 437-439.  Show work for #21 - 26!  Today's lesson includes long division with remainders.  Thank you for helping your students with this at home as they learn this process!

RELIGION:  Pages 108 & 109, Worksheet 51, and Worksheet "Introducing Paul."

MEMORY:  Romans 15:13

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (yellow) due next WEDNESDAY.  For the rest of the year, Current Events will be due on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays.   County Quiz (#53 Dunn - Menomonie & #54 St. Croix - Hudson) next THURSDAY.   This website provides a good county/county seat map for studying at home.

These are the words for this week:
Lesson 26
1.  enter
2.  banner
3.  sugar
4.  shower
5.  motor
6.  collar
7.  labor
8.  finger
9.  mirror
10.  beggar
11.  favor
12.  bother
13.  fever
14.  doctor
15.  temper
16.  actor
17.  polar
18.  sweater
19.  traitor
20.  whenever
R1.  river
R2.  summer
R3.  dollar
R4.  center
R5.  number
C1.  calendar
C2.  error
C3.  popular
C4.  barrier
C5.  director

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday, March 26

Yesterday, two notes about the Carnival and a stapled note about our Madison trip should have come home!

SCIENCE:  Mr. B. said that if you've seen the Egg Drop note on the blog, but are unable to print it out, just write and sign a note saying you've seen it.

MATH:  Pages 431-434.  Show work for #21 - 25!  This helps as students learn this new concept and prepares them for when there are remainders and more digits.

ENGLISH:  Worksheet "The Closet Case."  This is the second worksheet with this title.  Students are to use the information from yesterday's worksheet to help them complete the new one.

MEMORY:  John 20:31

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (green) due TOMORROW.  Starting next week, Current Events will be due on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays.  County Quiz (#51 Columbia - Portage & #52 Sauk - Baraboo) also TOMORROW.   This website provides a good county/county seat map for studying at home.

SPELLING:  Instead of the 4 pictures and sentences assignment, students are to write sentences with all 20 of the basic words.  Each sentence needs at least six words.  They should number their sentences and skip lines between sentences.  We spent some quality class time today working on this.
These are the words for this week:
Lesson 26
1.  enter
2.  banner
3.  sugar
4.  shower
5.  motor
6.  collar
7.  labor
8.  finger
9.  mirror
10.  beggar
11.  favor
12.  bother
13.  fever
14.  doctor
15.  temper
16.  actor
17.  polar
18.  sweater
19.  traitor
20.  whenever
R1.  river
R2.  summer
R3.  dollar
R4.  center
R5.  number
C1.  calendar
C2.  error
C3.  popular
C4.  barrier
C5.  director

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Coming home today should be two notes about the Carnival and a stapled note about our Madison trip!

SCIENCE:  Good job, Molly!  (She had her Egg Drop note back yesterday, too!)  More students brought theirs back today, but not all.  Mr. B. said that if you've seen the Egg Drop note on the blog, but are unable to print it out, just write and sign a note saying you've seen it.

COMPUTER:  "Wordle" the words from Spelling Lesson 26.  (Done in class.)

MATH:  Pages 426-428.  Show work for #20 - 25!

ENGLISH:  Worksheet "The Closet Case."  This will be needed to be able to do the next assignment tomorrow.

RELIGION:  We finished worksheet 50 together in class.

MEMORY:  1 Corinthians 15:3

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (green) due Thursday, March 27.  Starting the following week, Current Events will be due on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays.  County Quiz (#51 Columbia - Portage & #52 Sauk - Baraboo) also Thursday, March 27.   This website provides a good county/county seat map for studying at home.

SPELLING:  These are the words for this week:
Lesson 26
1.  enter
2.  banner
3.  sugar
4.  shower
5.  motor
6.  collar
7.  labor
8.  finger
9.  mirror
10.  beggar
11.  favor
12.  bother
13.  fever
14.  doctor
15.  temper
16.  actor
17.  polar
18.  sweater
19.  traitor
20.  whenever
R1.  river
R2.  summer
R3.  dollar
R4.  center
R5.  number
C1.  calendar
C2.  error
C3.  popular
C4.  barrier
C5.  director

Monday, March 24, 2014

SCIENCE:  Mr. B. was expecting the signed Egg Drop notes to come back today.  I'm sad to say that only one student remembered.  (Good for you, Maya!)  Please get them in.  Mr. B. will return the note to you once it's been checked off his list.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Wisconsin Studies Weekly, #8;  Wisconsin flag worksheet;  County Quiz (#51 Columbia - Portage & #52 Sauk - Baraboo) Thurday; Current Event (green) Thursday.  Starting next week, Current Events will be due on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays.

RELIGION:  106 & 107

MEMORY:  2 Timothy 4:18

MATH:  Worksheet 6


SPELLING:  301 & 303, and paragraph;  The directions for this week's paragraph are different than what's on page 301.  Directions:  Write a paragraph about the school play or musical.  Use at least 3 Challenge Words.  It can be make-believe.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday, March 14   This website provides a good county/county seat map for studying at home.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (green) due Thursday, March 27.  Starting the following week, Current Events will be due on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays.  County Quiz (#51 Columbia - Portage & #52 Sauk - Baraboo) also Thursday, March 27.

MATH:  421 - 423.  Students MUST show their work for #17, 18, 22, 23, & 24!  This is a time where the process is more important than the answer.

RELIGION:  Proclamation Person worksheet #49.  Also, worksheet "Two Men Praying."

SCIENCE:  Make sure you read the EGG DROP note!  Your student should have brought home a paper copy.  It is also on a separate blog entry.  A SIGNED COPY IS DUE BACK THE MONDAY AFTER SPRING BREAK - MARCH 24.

DEVOTION JOURNAL ENTRY:  Write a story about a time someone tried to help you.


Thursday, March 13, 2014



Due - April 24, 2014
Parent Signature _____________________

            To build a container of restricted size and limited weight which will keep an egg from breaking after a fall from a height of 3 meters or greater to the ground.  All containers will be weighed in grams before the eggs are inserted.  The container will be released by an adult from the large gym ladder.  We will start at three meters and continue in two meter increments until the height of the gym ceiling is reached.  For each height  the lightest egg container that keeps it’s passenger safe will be recognized.

Design of Container

            1. Container dimensions must not exceed 21cm x 21cm x 21cm

            2.  Styrofoam, bubble wrap, foam, cotton balls,   fiberglass insulation, synthetic pillow stuffing, cardboard, parachutes and balloons may not be       used.

            3.  Containers must be able to withstand multiple dropping.  No alterations     to the container may be made after the first drop.

            4. Containers must be constructed with a hatch or a door so that the      egg can be inserted or withdrawn in less than 30 seconds.

            5. A cracked egg is defined as one, which is visibly leaking its                contents.  Hairline fractures are not considered cracks.

            6. The students will be required to remove the egg from the container each height to show the judges it did not crack.

Project Paper

Write a one-page paper describing the process of creating your container. Please make sure the following questions are answered within your paper.  

-       What materials did you use? 
-       Did you make the container alone, or who helped you?
-       About how long did it take you to create the container?
-       If you could change one thing; what would you change?  

-       What was your favorite part of this project?   

Thursday, March 13

SPELLING:  Test tomorrow.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (green) due Thursday, March 27.  County Quiz (#51 Columbia - Portage & #52 Sauk - Baraboo) also Thursday, March 27.

RELIGION:  104 - 105

MEMORY:  Psalm 23:4.

MATH:  415 - 416.  This is the beginning of long division for us!  

SCIENCE:  Your student should be bringing home their EGG DROP note today.  IT NEEDS TO BE SIGNED AND RETURNED RIGHT AWAY SO THAT MR. B. KNOWS YOU HAVE SEEN IT!  This is a big part of their science grade.  I'm also including it as a separate blog entry.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday, March 12

SPELLING:  4 pictures & sentences;  test Friday.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (blue) due tomorrow.  County Quiz  (#49 Burnett - Siren, and #50 Polk - Balsam Lake) tomorrow.

RELIGION:  Worksheet 48 & Unit 4 Test worksheet - due tomorrow.  

MEMORY:  Titus 3:5

MATH:  408 - 410 and Worksheet "Sum Fun"

HEALTH:  Page 294, questions 1 - 18 and 20, page 295

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday, March 11

Our classroom supply of disinfecting wipes will be gone in the next day or two.  Please consider sending in a container or two.

SPELLING:  292 & 294 & paragraph

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (blue) due Thursday.  County Quiz Thursday (#49 Burnett - Siren, and #50 Polk - Balsam Lake).

RELIGION:  Worksheet 48 and Unit 4 Test worksheet (open book).

MEMORY:  2 Corinthians 5:15 AND Revelation 2:10.  Both are quite short.

ENGLISH:  Worksheet "In the Mail."

READING:  Pick one, page 191.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday, March 10

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful day!

These are the latest assignments.

MATH:  402-404

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (blue) due Thursday.  There will be a County Quiz this week.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday, March 3


MEMORY:  Psalm 139:7

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Wisconsin Studies Weekly crossword puzzle (Week 7).  NO COUNTY QUIZ THIS WEEK!  Current Event, goldenrod, due Thursday.

ENGLISH:  Worksheet "How Clever"

HEALTH:  Chapter 9, pages 294-295, #1-18 & 20.  This was due today, but because a number of students were absent, not all have it done yet.

Tomorrow is Nerd Day.  Students should also bring along some regular school apparel for the Dress Rehearsal.

CLASS SWITCH DAY will be for one class period tomorrow afternoon!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday, March 2

It was so good to see so many families in church this morning!  

Students, thank you for being such an important part of the worship service with your songs and participation!

Tomorrow is camo/hunting/Duck Dynasty/redneck apparel day.  (Please keep it school appropriate.)  It is also BRING YOUR OWN TREAT DAY.  This will be an afternoon treat.  You may bring whatever you'd like, as long as it doesn't need to be refrigerated or microwaved.  We will have all-school devotions right away in the morning.  The prize drawing will happen later in the day.