SCIENCE: Good job, Molly! (She had her Egg Drop note back yesterday, too!) More students brought theirs back today, but not all. Mr. B. said that if you've seen the Egg Drop note on the blog, but are unable to print it out, just write and sign a note saying you've seen it.
COMPUTER: "Wordle" the words from Spelling Lesson 26. (Done in class.)
MATH: Pages 426-428. Show work for #20 - 25!
ENGLISH: Worksheet "The Closet Case." This will be needed to be able to do the next assignment tomorrow.
RELIGION: We finished worksheet 50 together in class.
MEMORY: 1 Corinthians 15:3
SOCIAL STUDIES: Current Event (green) due Thursday, March 27. Starting the following week, Current Events will be due on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays. County Quiz (#51 Columbia - Portage & #52 Sauk - Baraboo) also Thursday, March 27. This website provides a good county/county seat map for studying at home.
SPELLING: These are the words for this week:
Lesson 26
1. enter
2. banner
3. sugar
4. shower
5. motor
6. collar
7. labor
8. finger
9. mirror
10. beggar
11. favor
12. bother
13. fever
14. doctor
15. temper
16. actor
17. polar
18. sweater
19. traitor
20. whenever
R1. river
R2. summer
R3. dollar
R4. center
R5. number
C1. calendar
C2. error
C3. popular
C4. barrier
C5. director
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