Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday, March 14   This website provides a good county/county seat map for studying at home.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  Current Event (green) due Thursday, March 27.  Starting the following week, Current Events will be due on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays.  County Quiz (#51 Columbia - Portage & #52 Sauk - Baraboo) also Thursday, March 27.

MATH:  421 - 423.  Students MUST show their work for #17, 18, 22, 23, & 24!  This is a time where the process is more important than the answer.

RELIGION:  Proclamation Person worksheet #49.  Also, worksheet "Two Men Praying."

SCIENCE:  Make sure you read the EGG DROP note!  Your student should have brought home a paper copy.  It is also on a separate blog entry.  A SIGNED COPY IS DUE BACK THE MONDAY AFTER SPRING BREAK - MARCH 24.

DEVOTION JOURNAL ENTRY:  Write a story about a time someone tried to help you.


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